Topic: "Birds and Cats: A Roadmap to Coexistence"
Speaker: Grant Sizemore - Director of Invasive Species Programs, American Bird Conservancy
This month, we are pleased to welcome Grant Sizemore of the American Bird Conservancy (ABC) as our guest speaker. He will address this complex and often sensitive issue by first providing a science-based understanding of the impact of outdoor cats on birds, other wildlife, and public health. He will then explore the challenges of managing domestic cats—complicated by their close relationship with people and their unique legal status. Sizemore’s presentation will be rooted in scientific research, offering practical, science-based solutions that benefit cats, birds, and people alike. Please join us for this important discussion and learn how we can all play a role in protecting both our beloved pets and our native wildlife.
Join us virtually for this important discussion and learn how we can all play a role in protecting both our beloved pets and our native wildlife.

The support of our community is critical to ensuring that people today and 100 years from now have the opportunity to connect with nature and will get to experience our state’s wild places firsthand.
Ventura's wildlife and wild places define our landscape, bring us joy, and show us how important it is that we protect our natural world.
Please postpone any tree-trimming until the fall when the tree can be reassessed for trimming. Much tree-trimming is unnecessary, not helpful for birds, and bad for the tree, such as topping and over-thinning.
Please see our Tree Trimming Guidelines for more recommendations on tree-trimming.

Ventura County provides many recreational opportunities in a beautiful natural setting. Good birding is one of the Central Coast’s finest recreational features. The Central Coast is strategically located on the Pacific Flyway and provides habitat to many resident and migratory birds.