Speaker: Alecia Smith
Date: March 8th, 2022

PROGRAM SUMMARY: We are pleased to present an evening of outstanding bird photography with a tale of an epic birding journey through 13 US states and over 10,000 miles. Many of you are already familiar with Alecia’s photography and her distinctive style through her work for Ventura Audubon, but tonight is a chance to get to know the woman behind the photography.
Late last year Alecia went on a solo road trip across the United States simply seeking to deepen her connection with birds. She didn’t have a detailed plan, a huge checklist or an ambitious “Big Year” goal when she set out. She simply wanted to experience, photograph and get to know new bird species. While she traveled on this long journey from California to South Carolina, she found she was never completely alone. As she connected with new birds, she also deepened her connection with many bird-obsessed friends along the way through sharing the joy of birds and nature photography. While we see Alecia’s images and hear about the birds, she will also discuss how she captures birds with her distinctive style and hear her thoughts on ethics in wildlife photography. If you’re a fan of birds (especially shorebirds), or a fan of Alecia’s, join us for tales and images from her “Little Big Year”.
Speaker Bio: Alecia Smith, bird photographer and Beach Naturalist Coordinator at Ventura Audubon Society, has been helping protect Ventura County’s endangered shorebirds through our Shorebird Recovery Program for 5 years. Even before joining the program she recognized that her connection with birds was deeply healing for her and felt compelled to return the favor. As Alecia followed her journey with birds over the years, she’s become increasingly attuned to shorebird behavior and the critical habitat on which they rely. Ethics in bird photography and observation is never far from her mind. Using what she’s learned, she advocates for birds, and completes the circle of giving by teaching our Beach Naturalists to become ambassadors for shorebirds, and to deepen their own connection with birds. You can find Alecia’s photography featured in the book, Birds of Instagram: Extraordinary Images from Around the World, edited by David Allen Sibley. Her photography is also printed through our Shorebird Recovery Fundraiser calendar and shared regularly on her Instagram account @alecia_birds where she has over 5,000 followers!